Terms and Conditions of Use

Who we are :

Artworks Studios It refers in this text as we, us, our, or artworksstudios.gr.


The website artworksstudios.gr provides its services to the visitors / users / customers by accepting the following Terms of Use. Upon entering the place www.artworksstudios.gr, registration and confirmation orders through our online store , you warrant that you are legally capable of binding to this contract and that you are 18 years or older.

Bookings – Payments

All bookings are subject to acceptance by us. Confirmation of acceptance is sent to each user by electronic means ( Email ” Booking Confirmation ” ) . We expressly reserve the right to refuse any orders made by customers with whom we have an ongoing conflict, or any suspect that they purchase on our website with fraudulent and harmful to us motives and purposes.


The price of the products & services defined by the values on the page of the product concerned from time to time, except in cases where obvious errors and reserve the right to apply different charges. If you become aware of any such case the user should contact us before conducting any financial transaction. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Copyright Content

The entire digital content located in artworksstudios.gr, such as, but not binding, text, graphics, trademarks , images (irrespective features), digital files and software, belongs exclusive to us or content providers who work with our Electronic store and protected by Greek and international laws of copyright. The collection and use of any product catalogs, images, product descriptions or prices, or any indirect use of the shop and the contents in it, for the benefit of another business is only allowed with prior written consent from us.

Use Name, Content and Hyperlinks to Other Websites or Apllications

Users/ visitors and colleagues of artworksstudios.gr maintain a limited , revocable , and nonexclusive right to create links (hyperlinks) mentioning pages artworksstudios.gr, on other web sites owned by third parties . If our services or our pictures described in such false, misleading, derogatory or fraudulent manner, unpleasant and harmful to us, we reserve the right to suspend the license and ban them from using the artworksstudios.gr or any reference to it

Limitation of Liability

artworksstudios.gr assumes no responsibility for damage of any kind that may be incurred by the use of the shop or the use of products and services sold through it, and involves limited to, direct , indirect , incidental , or consequential damages. Although we always try to pronounce it as accurate and clear information about services and products featured on our pages, and where possible, we accept no responsibility if the features or other content is inaccurate, incomplete, not updated in time , or generally buggy .Of course we always try with all means available to us to preserve the security, artworksstudios.gr does NOT guarantee that the online store, the servers, or emails sent from us may contain viruses or other harmful stoicheiapou can caused by external factors. artworksstudios.gr, employees or other representatives have no liability under any circumstances for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special damages , or costs , or penalties, including , but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, loss of information or data , or loss or damage to property and any third party claims arising from or in connection with the use, copying , or presentation of this website or its contents or any other related site , regardless of whether the artworksstudios.gr was informed, knew or should have known about this possibility.

Management of Personal Data

artworksstudios.gr during use of registration and ordering may collect data and personal information , which is used according to the privacy policy of artworksstudios.gr which you can see and read here.

Disputes – Law

All Visitors and guests of artworksstudios.gr automatically accept and agree that these Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the Greek state. Any dispute arising from or in connection with the terms of use are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Greek courts.

Changes to Policies and Rules

artworksstudios.gr maintains the right to make any change in booking policies, trade policies and terms of use at any given and without prior notice.