Artworks Studios House Rules

The purpose of these rules is to maintain proper functioning, mutual respect, basic hygiene rules, and to prevent actions that may cause physical or personal injury.

A) Ensure that you taking care of the safety of your belongings. We can guarantee the safety of your items in the storage room but not outside of it.
B) Please inform the sound engineer before connecting or disconnecting PA related equipment to ensure that it is safe.
C) Please do not touch or adjust anything on the speakers and monitors. Ask the sound engineer to do what you want.
D) If you need to connect your equipment into our systems but you have doubts about the right way, ask the sound engineer to help you in order to avoid the risk of damage.
E) Please do not turn off the tube amplifiers after you are finished please only put them on Standby mode before disconnecting.
F) The volume you play should be within the permissible range so that there is no risk of damage to the equipment. Damages that may be caused by misuse or irresponsible use are subject to charges against the person who caused it.
G) Extra things you may need such as cables, power chords, etc. must be requested and received from the audio engineer whithin the control room. After the rehearsal is over, please hand it back to him.
H) Drummers who bring and set up their own things please make sure to restore the drumset back into a decent state as you found it.
I) Refreshments, drinks and eatables are prohibited inside the sudios and especially on machinery and amplifiers as they may cause damages to the equipment and/or physical injury.
K) Please pick up any trash you have created and throw it into the waste bins located inside and outside the rooms.
L) Please take care of surrounding walls, doors and objects when carrying your equipment inside the studio spaces.
M) Make sure the room is delivered on time, taking into account the time you need to gather your personal belongings, respecting those who will suffer the consequences of any delays.